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Did you know that a broken heart is not all in your head, but can be accompanied by legitimate physical symptoms? The medical profession recognizes it as “stress cardiomyopathy” which mimics a heart attack including chest pain and labored breathing. Unlike a heart attack though, the symptoms are not caused by heart disease. When we suffer emotionally from a painful loss, the body experiences hormonal surges that actually restrict blood flow to the heart and create similar physical symptoms to a heart attack.

Salon York PA

How can you mend a broken heart?

The connection between the heart and mind goes both ways. According to internist Dr. Larry Dossey who is also an author and integrative healthcare pioneer, “The power of love to change bodies is legendary … ‘tender loving care’ has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing.” For more on Dr. Dossey, check out his official website at

There is good medical reason to indulge in some “tender loving care” and pamper yourself—for the good of your heart of course! Indulge Salons has some great specials during the month of February. Check out our website at, like us on Facebook at, or call us at 717.846.4424 to schedule an appointment..

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