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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Is your work look hurting you financially? Read on…

It’s been a major topic of conversation these days and you will read about in my emails. If you get a chance to log on as a new visitor on our new home page, you will get to experience the conversations all of us have been having wrapped around what really is professional? Behaviors, “the look”, the verbal skills, the manners especially have been an interesting back and forth amongst us older ones.

The basic manners have flown out of the window. How difficult is it to say “please” or “thank you” when you need something or when someone has done something nice for you? I find it a pleasure to work with my clients and to help them achieve their look. The crazy thing is amongst our newest crowd of professionals is this level of entitlement and lack of manners to say thank you for helping me. Thank you for teaching me this technique or here is a good statement that I would like to hear more often, “is there anything I can do for you?”

Remember that we are here to serve each other every day. If we make someone else’s life a little better by helping them or by helping their day be a little better because you are in it, then that is a gift. I believe that we get caught up in the hum drum of life and would like to blame others for their ho hum attitude. We make choices every day on whether we will be happy or NOT.

If you are grouchy at work or it all starts at home, your attitude will infect or affect others after you have left your haven. Notice the next time you go to work and see how others respond to you. Would this hurt your review at work by your behaviors? Maybe.

At Indulge Salon, we pride ourselves on being the best to serve others. We do get grouncy but we try not to show it. We try to show you that this is your haven away from home. A place of comfort and of knowing that you are safe to be yourself and we can help you discover who you are and who you want to be.

To your happy self!.

Categories: Blog, Career

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