Loreal Hair chalk featured at Indulge Salon, York PA

this model is a courtesy of Loreal Professionele. Her hair was colored with Blue hairchalk that goes on like ink and dried then combed to a beautiful color
Loreal Hairchalk is at Induge Salon, York, PA. Come join the fun! See whateveryone is talking about.
See some fun Hair chalking ideas that create dimensional effects that you can try before you do it permanently. You can cover the colors or go straight with green, purple, pink, corals, and bronze. No sooner did we get the new products in did we open up the bottles and started applying. We had so much fun! Great for anyone looking to liven up their look. Doesn’t last long and you can be bold for the weekend then back to your career look on Monday! No damage. Apply with our famous Loreal hairchalk sponges then apply again for depth and brightness.
You can do some fringe bang tips with blue, purple as the ombre impression of highlighting. No end to the creativity you and your friends can have.
The visual effects are so much fun try them all. They wash out in a few washings. We will show you how to reapply to keep the color in longer with more applications. If you want it to go away simply wash again and again.
See our facebook page at www.facebook.com/Indulgecolorsalon to see the latest photos of one of our creative stylists Bretina Greiman with her multi colored hair chalked hair. She loves the colors and experiments with techniques. Easy to use.
Available in all colors. Blue, purple, pink, red, coral, bronze call for availability or for an appointment 717.846.4424 or check for the nearest Indulge Salon location.