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Mother’s Day and what it means to me

Salon York PA

the happiest day of her life! her wedding day

Being a mother is the most special job that I’ve been assigned. I have the pleasure of inserting my thoughts and values to my children Alex and Carson for 25 years. One day I said to my daughter, “I’m surprised you have survived my parenting.” We laugh and giggled about that statement because I have done a lot of out of the box parenting.

I have had to work many hours at the salon, make dinner, do homework (chemistry was really out of my scope of knowledge) and teach her other day to day activities so that she could be a self sufficient person that could contribute to society. I knew exactly how I wanted to raise her since she has been three years old. I happen to acknowledge this when she went with me to a Dale Carnegie Class in Mechanicsburg. The topic was How to Win Friends and Influence People. I have to let you know while I was teaching my topic, (because this was a very interactive class), my three year old blonde haired beauty was creatively drawing on the back wall with her colorful crayons. Who knew she would be so creative? This talent has served her well planning for her wedding. She created some signs for the pie bar she had and a beautifully decorated pane of glass that indicated which beverages would be available. She also created her own invitations and designed a website for her big day. I’m so very proud of her and the decisions she has made for herself.

I’m grateful that I stuck to my guns on our values and beliefs. She is the most amazing person that I know. She is kind, grateful and generous to others. She has turned out to be such a dynamic business person in marketing Mexican Resturants in Texas. She is a character. Her humor is more of a Jim Carey funny. You never know what she is going to do.

My son, whom has survived my parenting for eighteen years, is a blessing to me and others around him. He has been able to impact people without saying a word. You see, he was shaken at eleven weeks of age to stop crying. Unfortunately, he suffered brain damage to the point that he is now 100% dependent on me and the nurses to care for his needs daily.  He lives at home. We flew Carson to Alex’s wedding so he could attend her big day.

My gift was given to me on Wednesday May 9th, 2012. I had been granted guardianship of my son which gives me the opportunity to protect him and make decisions on his behalf since he is considered and adult. So that day was a monumental day as a mother. I cried in happiness.

So what does mother’s day mean to you? I don’t know about you, but I’m glad I’ve had the privilege of being a mother to my two children. I hope you have a super mothers day!.

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