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Red Hot Reds!

Colour Explosion Party: T-12 days

Red heads have a reputation for being temperamental, passionate, and wild! But the diverse shades of red, running from the deepest auburn to the brightest carrot top, show that no two are alike — in looks or personality! Let’s explore some other “red myths” and look at the benefits of red.

Salon York PA Does it cost more to insure a red car?

It probably costs a good bit to insure this sweet ride, but no, it’s a myth that insurance premiums are higher for red cars.

Are Redheads More Sensitive to Pain?Salon York PA

It seems that red hair is attributed in part to a gene mutation called melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) which also influences a group of receptors in the brain regarding sensitivity to pain. A 2009 study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association showed that redheads were indeed more sensitive to pain and needed more anesthesia for dental procedures. “We have different receptors for pain in our body, and those receptors respond differently, whether you’re taking aspirin or acetaminophen,” Stelian Serban, MD, director of acute and chronic inpatient pain service and an assistant professor of anesthesiology at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, as quoted in WebMD.

Salon York PA Healthy Red Foods

An apple a day …? Apparently apples aid in digestion, helping to keep you regular. Strawberries help lower cholesterol, and cherries can lower your blood pressure. Beets are touted as one of the newest “super foods.” My personal favorite on a weekend morning? A spicy Bloody Mary.

Ready to try a new shade of red? If not on your hair, how about on your nails or lips? Call Indulge Salons at 717.846.4424 to see how we can spice up your looks with RED!


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