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Shaving vs Brazilian waxing York, Pa

Frustrated with shaving daily? Ingrown hairs not going away?

BEFORE Armpit waxing

BEFORE armpit waxing 3 months growth

Read on…

Indulge Salon in York, Pa has been the #1 waxing salon that takes excellent care of men and women that want to rid their bodies of hair. Chest, Back, abdomen, upper buttocks, lower back hair, shoulders to elbows, nipples, Brazilian waxing, bikini, leg, arms, facial, full body top to bottom and everything in between. We will map your brows to the create the perfect shape. If you don’t have eyebrows, we will help you create the perfect shape for you.

Shaving vs waxing

Every day we are faced with the questions of shaving daily vs brazilian or extended bikini waxing. You see, I have clients that are gynecologists that open up conversations on the downside of waxing. Waxing the full brazilian has been popular for the past 15 years. York College and Penn State students have been on top of this trend because they hate hair. Any hair in the bikini (undercarriage area)  is a standard “gone” issue. They shave every single day to rid themselves of the pokey, annoying and unclean hair.

My professional clients dislike the hair too. When I ask about why they do this, their answers are:

After result of armpit waxing

After armpit waxing 1st time

  • “I hate any hair on my body”
  • “It’s gross on the beach”
  • “I’m sick of shaving every day”
  • “my wife loves it when it’s all cleared out”
  • “my husband appreciates how everything looks down there”
  • “saves me time”
  • “deal breaker for the dating scene both with men and women”
  • “I like when my shirt glides on my back after waxing”
  • “when I play sports, there isn’t friction like it used to be”

Our waxing services last an average of three to four weeks. We talk about the benefits of our waxing services, especially underarm waxing, brazilian waxing, full body waxing, and extended bikini waxing. What is a brazilian waxing? A Brazilian wax is about the full front sides where the swimsuit cuts into the leg, the top of the pubic area that can spread to the belly button, the labia, the inside the labia to the base of the privates that move into the anus and the inner buttock (cheeks) and the buttocks.

Extended bikini is more than a bikini wax. Of course the bikini wax is the top of the pubic bone, the sides that normally peek out of the bathing suit is waxed away. When we provide the extended bikini, it’s all of the description above plus the inner leg area, plus leaving a landing strip. The landing strip that leads the pubic area is left with a nice well trimmed area. Not everyone digs a full exposure. To each his own preference. I’m cool with all of it because when a client of Indulge Salon chooses us to wax them, we take part in a trust relationship. It is professional. WE give advice on the shape, the angle, the process that prevents ingrown hairs and how to maintenance their newly exposed under carriage.

Are all waxing products the same?

We customize all of our services to each person’s skin type. If you have sensitive skin, we will use the smoothest hard/soft wax that is appropriate for you. We would prevent a break out by coaching you on how to maintain your skin prior and post waxing. If you have some hard short hairs, we will use our hard wax that takes care of business. It’s akin to that old boyfriend that just doesn’t want to let you alone. We take care of those stubborn hairs with the special wax that grabs it and goes. The armpits and under the arms can be very stubborn and need some encouragement.

Will it grow back in a week?

The hair has several growth cycles that it has to go through to get on the same routine. If you shave during any one of those cycles, you will have to start again. We encourage you to schedule 3 – 4 weeks in advance to start the cycle. As those shaven divas pop back up after a week or two, we need to catch them while they come out to have all of them on the same path to be pulled out. Brazilian waxing, chest, back and full body is highly recommended to book 3 – 4 appointments around the same time of the week and day. Once you get through the 2nd -3rd cycle, we can pretty much guarantee that your hair will start to behave. Book online here

What do I have to do to maintain?

Indulge Salon has their own specialty system of educating their clients on the before, during and after process of waxing services to gain the most weeks of not having to shave. Our system has provided the best prevention to ingrown hair frustration, no more dry skin, no more rashes and no more itchiness. We use Indulge Pure Originals products that include our Oatmeal Soap, a dry brushing system and our very own Indulge Pure Originals body butter bar that is designed to moisturize for after care daily. We have created a post WAXING KIT for our clients that make it easy to use for both men and women.

After using our Post Waxing Kit, the hair will start to behave, will slow down over a period of time and hold its shape. This is what you want from your waxer.

What are the prices?

We recommend you go native (wild and free for a few weeks) to allow the hair to grow into it’s natural state to about 1/2″. Any longer can be a thick mess. We can trim it down to a reasonable length to work with. When the length is to long, it can be quite uncomfortable applying the wax that can get to thick or bungled up which pulls on the hair.

Abdominals – $45

Buttocks – $25 – $50 depending on how large or expansive the real estate

Arms $25

Back wax $45 – $75 depending on the density, thickness, starting length – we wax the sides between the back and chest.

Bikini $30 – top and sides of the public area

Bikini extended wax – $45 top, sides, landing strip, the lower base of the pubic area

Brazilian wax first time $85 –  100.00 depending on the density, thickness, starting length

Brazilian waxing maintenance $60 IF you stay within 3 weeks

Chest $45 – $75 depending on the density, thickness to the sides and stretched to the lower abdomen into the groin area.

Full body for both men and women – consultation for price, will take about 3 – 4 hours

Half Leg – $35 – $45 upper or lower

Legs $75 – both top to bottom

Neck $20 the sides of the nape, the lower neck towards the shoulders

Shoulders to elbow – $25

Toes $10

Upper buttocks – $25

Trending now? Young people in the Lake Oconee, Ga school system for middle school and high school are rebelling against shaving, going native?! I’m ignoring this rebellions due to the fact that their parents might not even know and they are doing this for attention. Oh, they aren’t wearing deodorant either. It’s a smelly mess out their folks. Do you know if your children are shaving right now? If you have a high schooler needing waxed? Yes, we make sure the parents know what their students are up to. We will not allow our staff to wax students without parental consent. We still believe parents are parenting.

Categories: Uncategorized

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