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Defineyour color.Defineyou

2.5 years ago, my hair was thinning to the point I was concerned that my hair wouldn’t grow back. Due to the amount of stress I was undergoing from personal setbacks, my hair was taking the brunt of it. It was fine, thin and just hung on my neck looking stringy. Of course I was using Biotin but it wasn’t enough. I was getting more stressed by seeing the hair […]

Want the roadmap to fuller thicker hair this year? I could give you the roadmap to the thicker fuller hair in a few short sentences but you know me, I have to explain it to you so that you understand what it takes to grow your hair. One of the essential changes in hair as you shed hair, lose hair or it started thinning to the point you have to […]

Categories: Anti-Aging, Blog, Hair Loss, Health

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