Don’t forget – Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday. In addition to the great spa package on special for Mom that I mentioned the other day ($175 for an aromatherapy facial, spa manicure, and reflexology pedicure) we also have a sale on Indulge Pure Originals throughout the month of May. The Indulge Pure Originals line of soaps, creams, and moisturizers is made from only the best ingredients so that even […]
Ahhh … the refreshing taste of an ice-cold margarita … the smell of fresh squeezed lime … the salted rim that allows every sip to become a heavenly combination of salty and sweet. Sworn off tequila for, shall we say, more personal reasons? How about a special Margarita pedicure in honor of Cinco d’Mayo instead? The lime and sea salt combo that makes the drink taste so good does amazing […]
Every mom is unique — each of us shaped by our own life journey and the triumphs and struggles we have encountered along the way. The one thing most moms have in common however is that they could use a little break; a little down time to relax; a little something just for them; and a chance to have someone else take charge for just a bit. And I think […]
I’m a sporadic spring cleaner. With random bursts of energy (or sometimes frustration …), I find myself tackling odd deep cleaning jobs in spurts. Totally unplanned I’ll suddenly clean out the silverware drawer, wiping down all of the different compartments and replacing clean flatware, and then pleased with that minor accomplishment, I’ll move on to a kitchen cupboard. Anything but the plastic storage container cupboard — that’s beyond help in […]
I think I’m going to treat myself to this great little Neiman Marcus number! I love the classic cut and the sexy but sophisticated lines. The winter weather and dry heat are taking a toll on my skin though and pulling off this dress means I am going to need to pay a little extra attention to making my arms and legs soft, supple, and smooth—dry skin is not sexy!!! […]