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Try our Indulge Classic Aromatic Facial! Our classic aromatic facial delivers the most relaxing, stress reducing treatment that will take you on a stay vacation here in York, Pa.  The Indulge Classic facial with essential oils gives an aromatherapy experience to take your stress away. Manual manipulations with techniques that help with lymphatic drainage from sinus cavities. The Indulge Classic Facial includes lymphatic drainage helping to reduce chronic sinus congestion, fluid that […]

Categories: pedicure, Skin Care, spa, Stress

I started re-reading a book by Rhonda Byrne called “The Power”. What I found was a really great chapter about relationships with others.What she says is Life presents everything to you so that you have choices as to whom and what you love. We have relationships with money, family, intimate partners, business associates and physical feelings towards things such as our cars, homes, furniture and stuff. As part of this […]

Excessive hair loss can be depressing especially when you comb your hair in the morning and see the hairs lingering behind in your comb or brush. I bet you are wondering how in the world has this happened? Am I not healthy? Is there a problem? Is there enough to donate to locks of love for cancer patients? I personally thought this was interesting since I am going through this […]

There’s no question about it. Life can be stressful. At times, it can feel like it’s coming at you from every angle. I’m told, however, it’s not the type of stress, it’s how you deal with the stress– that is the concern. Each person has their own individual way of “dealing” with it.  Some people get red in the face, others feel physically ill, and some just back into a […]

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