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Test sample creams of body butter at Indulge Salon York PA

Salon York PA The first rule of thumb is to stick with well known and established products. Get whatever samples you can. Some creams are very heavy and not suitable for use in hot and humid weather and you might not like the feel of them on your skin. Ask if you can use the product for 30 days with a money back guarantee if you don’t see results. Don’t believe the claim that you have to use a company’s entire product line to see any results. Most companies have made a fortune with “add-on” products like cleansers, toners, and serums. The moisturizer and the serum are usually the highest priced products. Buy only the moisturizer. You will get the best bang for your buck from the moisturizer as it is used over the entire face as opposed to the serum, which is generally only used on trouble spots such the area around the eyes and lips. If you find you like the moisturizer then try the cleanser, and so on. Read up on the product. There is a wealth of information on line and many sites such as have already done a lot of the work for you by evaluating many wrinkle creams to see if they live up to their claims.

Ultimately, the best thing that you can do is take care of your skin from the inside out. We’re all stuck with whatever genetics we have but you can help yourself by not smoking, drinking lots of water and eating a healthy diet. Avoid the sun at all costs and use a moisturizer or foundation with SPF protection every day. Have a monthly hydrating facial. After your first several facials you’ll definitely notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin, no matter what wrinkle cream you use.

Catherine Olivia: Article courtesy of


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