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The perfect scent for summer, find out more here…

Indulge Salon, York, PA has your favorite scents in Indulge Pure Originals Citrus and Indulge Pure Originals Tropical Coconut moisturizers and lotions. Citrus is such a happy fragrance that is not over powering nor heavy when applied. This scent can transport you from a dowdy day to a happy and energetic day just by smelling it while in the shower and applying the lotion right after while your body is moist with water.

Our Indulge Pure Originals line of moisturizers and lotions actually moisturize dry, itchy skin. The skin feels super smooth and silky especially if applied as soon as you hop out of the tub. We have some secret ingredients that are not chemically oriented and just so you know, we have some amazing cocoa butter, shea butter and essential fragrances that hint to grapefruit and citrus and another essential oil that is used to create this unique fragrance.

All of our fragrances are designed to balance during the day. If you are a little stressed, just rub your arm where you applied it from the morning and guess what will burst? A little bit of happiness again. If you really want to maximize the happiness for summer, try our Indulge Pure Originals Citrus Bliss soap that has 0 chemicals in it and made the old fashioned way which is by hand. When used first thing in the morning, this will kick start your energy and without leaving you feeling coated by most soaps that are store bought. You can purchase these soaps by the size that suits your hand for about 2.75 per oz. The average runs about 8.00 per bar and lasts longer than supermarket bargains.

We found that layering your soap, lotions and mosturizers give your natural citrus scent a longer fragrance happy experience than other brands out there. Just apply your lotion on warm moist skin right out of the shower or bath then towel blot. If you rub your skin, you will rub all of the happiness off and leaving a fresh scented towel. The skin takes about 3 seconds to absorb what is on the skin. So gently towel blot leaving the skin to enjoy the moisture and happiness it deserves.  Enjoy!

Try it out soon while supplies last. Available in all of our locations.


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