Thinking about what to get for your MOM for Mother’s Day?
It’s coming around the corner quickly. 14 days away till May 10, 2015!

Alex Acworth Crawford 29 weeks pregnant Mom -to-be
Think about how special your mom (or someone that has been a mom to you) and all of the sacrifices she has done for you through the years. She has fed you with good food while you threw it off your tray table (young or old), helping train you in the ways to help you blossom into the beautiful person you are. Along the way, you acted up for sure and she had to set you back in your place (time out chair or nose in the corner) on the path to prosperity to be self sufficient, fend for yourself and to be able to be part of community. If you had the the type of MOM like I’ve had, she has also told you when you acted stupid and to pull yourself together and then gave you a boost of confidence to encourage you to try something that she knew you could do.
Think about honoring your mother with a gift card to Indulge Salon for a manicure and pedicure for $50.00. Try an Aromatherapy facial for $65.00 this month till 5/31/15 or if that is to much, just an Indulge Pure Original lotion or cream that runs about $19.95. You know she is going to say “you don’t need to do anything for me” but really she secretly would love for you to spend time with her or take her to lunch and to be honored with a little recognition of all she has done for you. She is proud of you for how you have grown and are being selfless by taking time with her. You know how they are, they will give you the shirt off their back to make sure you have more than they ever did. Our mothers have scrimped and saved to make sure we had a better education than what they did. Our mothers are the friends we love being around as we mature and have children of our own. We pick up the phone to call them to tell her about our day. Even though they may be talking about their list of health appointments or vacations they are planning, our mothers are still young girls at heart. Help keep them young by giving them the gift they won’t spend on themselves such as a facial treatment or schedule to have a manicure or pedicure with your MOM.
The best Mother’s Day gift I’m getting is my daughter is coming to visit for the weekend!!! Yeh! My daughter Alex Acworth Crawford is 29 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins for the first try and can’t wait to see her. She is a MOM-to-be!
We wish you the best day with your MOM (special person you call MOM)! Remember May 10th, 2015