Want the new hot lipstick color for Spring/Summer 2012? Try it at Indulge Salon, York PA
It’s here! The newest lipstick Tangelo from Young Blood Mineral Cosmetics. We have carried this makeup line for years and I must say this season for color is hot and bright. Tangerine orangy colors are amazing. They stand out for brightness and make pale skin look brighter, they make dark skin look beautiful too. As you can see in this picture the lipstick is moist and will not dry your lips out. We know that Tangerine colors can be intimidating. Ok, so what. live a little with some boldness in your life and if only for a season so be it. Think of it as an accessory, you try it on you can take it off. It’s not permanent. Let’s overcome our phobia’s with the softer side of Tangerine or Tangelo lipsticks that have hints of gold to them and less daunting than like my grandmother used to wear. She was part of the Farm Women’s Group in Dover, PA and she was the president for a few years. So stay current my friends and go for it.
Recently, we have sold out of this color so quickly because its popular for the “in crowd”. the texture is creamy and smooth not like the old dried out kind that we used to use. This lipstick comes in a black tube that can easily slip into a side pocket that won’t get lost amongst the colorful items that are collecting in your purse. The Youngblood mineral cosmetics are lanolin free (this means that they don’t have the waxy build up) and are made with essential oils instead. I know first hand about this when I helped make our Indulge Pure Originals moisturizers and lotions. My hands felt incredible after working with the butters and oils.
- Creamy moisturizing Tangelo lipstick from Youngblood has staying power
Read more about the Youngblood Mineral cosmetics when you get a minute by going to www.indulgesalon.com/youngblood
Protect your lips to keeping them smoochable for summer and fashionable for 2012. Go orange and go bright. The lipstick runs about 19.00 US and we can mail you one or you can pick it up at our South George Street location. Check www.indulgesalon.com/locationhours for the directions. Feel free to call us to reserve a lipstick for you at 717.846.4424..